This is the continuation post of Jatuchak Market, Thailand. We have taken some photographs of flowers and plants sell at the market. Most of the plants are originates from the tropical countries. As you can see from the photos, these flowers and plants are blossoming beautifully.
The plant below we believed is a type of Screwpine or scientifically known as Pandanus sp. This pine have trunk and its leaves gathered in a large clump on top. They was formerly known as P. odoratissimus and know known as P. tectorius. They usually planted in seaside garden because of their ability to withstand the strong wind and salty soil.
Below are the famous 'Eating plant' and commonly found in the tropical jungle. Scientifically known as Nepenthes sp. and commonly called as Pitcher Plant. They do look weird but we can say that they are some kind of genius plant. They lured insects and small creatures to slide into the inner slope side of the pitcher and prevented them from climbing out as the inner side is waxy and covered in scales. The fluid in the pitchers tempted insects (and even toads) during times of low rainfall. The lid of plant covers the liquid thus the juice is hardly diluted by rainwater. The juice plays the role as digestive system and kills the insects slowly.
Pitcher plants come in various colours and sizes. Some are red and some are green. Some are speckled and some are blotched. They are climbers and this is the close-up photo of Pitcher plant. They have striking and beautiful appearance that attracts insects and even human. Many of these species are protected, but there are cultivated varieties.
The next photo is Hibiscus or known to Malaysian as Bunga Raya. They are our floral emblem though not originated here, comes in variety of species. The most common species is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis which usually with red flowers and long columned pistil and stamens in the centre. The flowers only last for few days and some parts of the plants are used for some purposes. Back then, the petals of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis produced black dye used for polishing and as a cosmetic by Chinese women to darken their eyebrows. It also has some traditional medicinal applications in Ayurvedic, Malay and Chinese medicine.
The yellow flowers we believed are Hibiscus tilleceus. They have shorter pistil and mostly found in yellow colour. Hibiscus tillaceus is not a favourite when it comes for decoration of the gardens as more and more of cultivated Hibiscus rosa-sinensis being introduced. However, hibiscus is easy to maintain and produced flowers by scheduled cutting of twigs.
Thailand i went before but i never see this....thanks for sharing ya....^^
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